You can research all the different hair products in the world but if you don’t know your hair type, you’d be shooting in the dark. Just as understanding your skin type is critical to creating an effective skincare routine, so is knowing your hair type. Hair types are definitively harder to determine than skin types but with a few pointers, it really isn’t terribly difficult to figure out. Thick and thin is really only the beginning of what determines your hair type and your hair has many small nuances that make it impossible to categorize any hair type with such a sweeping generalization. Let’s jump right into figuring out your hair type! So here are a few factors to help you: The diameter of Hair Strands The first thing you can do is measure the diameter of a single hair strand. Don’t worry, we won’t be using a ruler or anything, simply feel a single strand of hair between your fingertips and if you don’t feel anything or very little, you have thin hair. If you f...